Wednesday 15 April 2015

5 beauty hacks that'll change your life!-15/04/15

Hello again! Hope ye are all having a good week so far. Just remember- Only 2 more days until it's the weekend! :)
Today's blog post will be a quick one, 5 quick tips that'll change your life (for the better of course!) Here at sunflowers and sparkles we live by these tips and we hope that they help you too!

1. Use coconut oil to remove eye makeup
This is an absolute lifesaver if you've a mascara that is tough to get off. It is a messy one but it removes everything!
Take a small bit on your fingers and rub until you have felt all the mascara has come off in bits, and you feel like all your eyeshadow and eyeliner or whatever you may have on is gone and just rub your eye area with a cotton pad.
There are so many uses and benefits of coconut oil but I'll run through that in a future post coming very soon. I always use coconut oil especially for removing eye makeup! It's cost effective ('cause you only need a small amount) and you can find it in the supermarket by the vegetable oils or a health food shop like ‘Holland and Barrett’.

Coconut oil is a weird substance 'cause it is a solid but when it comes in contact with your skin it melts so don't be put off by this. It's amazing stuff!

2. Use baby powder/talcum powder as dry shampoo
This one is a lifesaver for me! When you're having a bad hair day but you've no time for a shower or your hair just isn't cooperating- a regular occurrence for me, just use some baby powder and you're ready for road! It will soak up the oil the same way that a dry shampoo will like powder on foundation, smells nice, is kind to your hair and you're not using an aerosol so again yay planet! Shake the bottle over your hair, careful you don't use too much and make sure you rub it into your hair after! A real money saver. Again, it will last ages!

3.Treat a bruise with mouth wash
Another lifesaver, if you're a klutz like myself. If walking into a door(and then apologising) sounds familiar, try dabbing some mouth wash onto the bruise with some cotton wool to make it look and feel a lot better!

4.Use shaving cream to remove makeup from clothes
I can just see it. You're in a rush getting ready and you get a lovely blob of foundation on your new clean dress. Add a bit of shaving cream to the area and and wipe the makeup away with a damp cloth. It's completely safe, won't harm your clothes and you won't waste time looking for a new outfit!

5. Applying perfume in the perfect places!
This one's a very handy one. As perfume has alcohol in it, this will age your skin. So you don't want to be applying it all over your neck 'cause it'll get wrinkly faster. Apply just at the bottom of your throat (above your collarbone), your wrists, behind your ears (a strange one I know, but when you flick your hair or move it will almost reactivate the smell), your inner elbows and behind your knees. These areas will ensure you smell lovely all day.
An extra top tip because it's Wednesday and I'm feeling generous, is put a dab of Vaseline before you put on perfume on these areas so it will help the scent cling to the skin and you will smell just as pretty as you are!

So there we have it people, 5 top tips that'll hopefully make your life easier. We both use these little gems all the time and we really hope you find them useful. Please don't shy away from letting us know, we'd only love to hear from you.

P.S. If there is anything you as a Sunflowers and Sparkles reader would like to see on the blog, don't hesitate to ask! We would be more than happy to accommodate! We've had a few suggestions and we're already on it!

We'd also really appreciate if everyone kept sharing the blog, inviting their friends and everything 'cause as soon as we reach 1000 likes on Facebook we're going to have a lovely little giveaway for our supporters to say thanks for ye're fab help! Honestly you couldn't imagine how overwhelmed we both are with the constant support and kindness we've received. So stay tuned!

Until next time guys, stay sparkling!
Edel and Tess x

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