Sunday 11 October 2015

Mental Health Day - Living a happier life 11/10/2015

Hey Everybody! Can you believe we are in October already? It's Crazy! Soon we will be hearing about the 'C' word and getting a visit from our favourite man, Mr Santa ;) 10 Fridays left is it?!

As most of you probably know, yesterday was World Mental Health Day. On this day every year, people think about how they can help others, how they can make themselves happier etc.. And to mark this, today's blog will be on the topic of Mental Health. Today we will be giving you all a few tips on how to live a happier, stress free life! Stress is something that can really take over, no matter what age you are and it can cause major problems. I hope you use these tips to become stress free and a happier you!

1. Let go of negative people. Spending time with people who always see the worst in a situation can be very hard, especially if you are very optimistic yourself. It will be very tough to distance yourself from these types of people but if you feel that it is best for you, just go for it! Trust me, you will feel better!

2. Let go of the fear of failure - Take a risk. If you have a fear of failing everything you do, life will be extremely boring. Taking a risk is what it is all about, don't be afraid! Try that new hobby, apply for that job, nobody is going to judge you!

3. Be optimistic, about everything! You and I both know that it is VERY difficult to see the best of every situation. However, we also both know that if you are optimistic, you will feel much happier! Try to let go of the negativity inside of you, you won't regret it in the long run! :) 

4. Let go of the past. You made a mistake? You did something you regret? Move on. Everyone else has probably forgotten about it, now it's your turn. Keep the focus on the good you are going to do today and tomorrow. Don't ever let your past get you down. 

5. Do not compare yourself the others. You will get nowhere and only get yourself down. Whether it's at the gym or at work or school, focus on yourself and not anyone else around you.

6. Take time out. It is very important to just take even 10 minutes out for yourself, forgetting about your busy life. I know we keep harping on about it, but the easiest way achieve mindfulness(Something that is very difficult) is downloading the app 'Headspace'. You can read about our experience of the app over on our Instagram (@Sunflowersandsparkles). Time out for yourself is most definitely one of the most important steps to a good mental health.

7. Let go of the desire to be perfect. NOBODY is perfect. That's right, NOBODY. Everyone is going to make mistakes. Even you. You ill not enjoy life if you are going to be worried about being perfect while doing everything.

8. Follow your dreams. Don't let anyone or anything get in the way of what you are passionate about. Whether it's as simple as a blog or something like starting a business. Do it if it what makes you happy. Forget about everyone else.

9. Keep Smiling. When you walk past a person with a sour face, you can feel the negativity radiating off of them. You will feel better if you have a smile on your face, so will everyone else.

10. Stay in contact with people who push you to be a good person. It's these people you need more of in your life. Why be with people who only want the best for them? It's all bout support in this tough world and we need to stick together people!

Thanks everyone for taking the time out to read today's blog. I hope you find some help in these tips!
If you do anything that really helps you to be happier and stress free, please let us know!

Stay Sparkling,
Tess and Edel x 

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