Saturday 16 May 2015

Random Acts of Kindness 16/5/16

Hello there, fancy seeing you here?! So yet another fantastic week has passed and here at sunflowers and sparkles we are in great form! (well with having a fab bunch like ye reading our blog everyday how could you be sad?) As you have probably noticed, this week’s blog has been all about positivity and mental well-being. So to finish the week and the topic off on a high note, today’s blog is going to be 30 RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS to make yourself and others feel better. Even doing one of these acts could really turn someone's day around. Enjoy and take note!

  1. Giving directions to someone who is lost. (you would hope someone would do the same for you)
  2. Call to an elderly neighbour or a grandparent for a chat.
  3. Give someone a hug. Its a small thing but it can change a person's mood in seconds.
  4. Offer someone a chewing gum.
  5. Write someone a list of why you appreciate them.
  6. Forgive someone. Holding grudges is really not the way to go if you want a positive mind.
  7. Smile at strangers on the street. This is especially important if it is an elderly person as is it just good manners. (But we usually just never take the smile off of our faces)
  8. Give someone a compliment. Whether it is about their hair or how they look today, compliments are always welcome in this world.
  9. Thank your bus driver when leaving the bus. This is a very very tiny thing but imagine being that bus driver if nobody even said ‘thanks’ after getting off?
  10. Write someone a little note so they will find it at some stage throughout the day.
  11. Give a homeless person some loose change or some grub. They will be forever grateful.
  12. Offer to take the shopping from the supermarket out of the shop for an elderly person.
  13. ALWAYS say please and thank you.
  14. Pay full attention when someone is speaking to you. Not only is it rude not to, but it can be very discouraging to the person who is speaking if you don’t.
  15. Leave a tip for a waiter/waitress you found very pleasant.
  16. Simply say ‘I’m sorry’ and accept that you are wrong instead of arguing.
  17. Leave someone a positive quote on their desk so when they return they have a smile on their face.
  18. Give someone encouragement if you notice they are down.
  19. Write a letter to your favourite teacher that changed your life. (Mrs O’ Reilly I hope you are reading this)
  20. Pass on a book you really enjoyed to a friend.
  21. Bring a box of chocolates and a movie to a friends house and just relax for the night.
  22. Offer to babysit a busy person's child.
  23. If you see a piece of litter on the street pick it up. It is all about pulling together as a community.
  24. If you see someone that is upset, ask them how they're ‘’really doing’’, and offer as much advice as you can.
  25. Offer everyone encouragement. Whether it’s in sport or just everyday life.
  26. Arrive to an appointment on time. Not only is it extremely rude to be late, but it is also awful to leave people waiting.
  27. Make someone laugh.
  28. Put your leftover lunch money in a charity box. Chances are, they need it more than we do.
  29. Eat lunch with someone who is on their own.
  30. Help an elderly person cross the street. There is nothing better than appreciation from someone older than you.

Well hunnies, here we are again. Another day, another blog. It is honestly so hard to believe that this is blog number 14! Please take note of today's random acts of kindness you could be doing each day. It is so awful to see people upset and just the simplest thing can make someone feel like the best person on earth! Even one a day can make you too feel like a better person.

Thank again for reading today’s blog. Remember- keep liking and sharing our facebook page because when we reach 1000 likes we are having a FAB giveaway!

Stay Sparkly,
Tess and Edel x

Love it!!!!


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