Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Importance of Positivity-06/05/2015

Hi peoples and welcome to Wednesday's post :)

Today will be a little different, taking a break from the beauty side of things. I'm going to talk today about the importance of positivity :) Both myself and Tessa try to be as positive as possible about things, the main reason we were able to start the blog. We've thought of every single outcome and fault that could happen. We decided to be positive that it would be a success and so far none of our doubts have come true!
This will probably be a long one so grab some music or food or whatever tickles your fancy!

So recently enough in school we did a workshop. I won't get into detail about it but it was basically about positive mental health and stuff. The speaker introduced us to this thing called the 'Coping Triangle'. Honestly when he said coping triangle I thought he was having a laugh. He really opened my eyes with what he said. He explained that we ourselves are in charge of our own mood. Yep yourself! Not anyone else but lovely you. That how we think, will have an impact on how we feel, and in turn how we act. He explained that our thoughts while different to our feeling are connected. So if you're worried about something and it's all you can think about, you'll become anxious and nervous, and then you won't be able to concentrate on what's important. Very broad example I know but think about any situation and apply it. If you have positive thoughts, you'll feel positive and then you'll be able to complete your task at hand efficiently or whatever it may be :)
For more info 'cause my description isn't great, go to :)

A simple way to have positive thoughts is eliminating the negativity. Try to see everything as an opportunity for good. You're collected late? Think of it as being able to spend more time outside that you wouldn't otherwise have time for. It's raining? Think of how pretty all the flowers will be when they've grown. Always think positive thoughts, because at the end of the day, you'll only upset yourself if you're negative.

Surround yourself with positive people. There's nothing worse than that one person who never stops complaining. They can't possibly see the bright side even if you're showing them it. Be patient. If it's constant and they're not a nice person you don't have to be around them. You're in control of your own happiness :) Also make a conscious effort to not complain as much-it brings others down too!

Spread the love!
Give a compliment to someone. Hold the door for a stranger. Do a random act of kindness or even just clean the kitchen without being asked. It'll please someone else which in turn will make you feel good - win win!

This is a must! Whether it's going for a walk, dancing, listening to music, if you love it, your brain will release endorphins and will boost your mood. For me it's Zumba- just an hour of dance exercise and it completely changes my mood. I could go on forever about it, I look forward to it all week! My point is even if it's doodling for 20 minutes, if you enjoy it, do it more!

Smile looooads!
You can actually trick yourself into thinking that you're happy. Just simply smile, try it sometime it really works!

If all else fails I've a few backup plans for you.

Some I know are quite old but they're all such feel good songs!

Pharrell-Gust of Wind
MGMT-Electric Feel
Matthew Wilde-Break my Stride
Curtis Mayfield -Move on up
Katrina and The Waves-Walking on Sunshine
Stevie Wonder-Isn't She Lovely!
Lurgan-Riptide Le Vance Joy as Gaeilge
Saint Raymond-Wild Heart
Flume-Sleepless feat. Jezzabell Doran
Tez Cadey-Seve
Jack Johnson-Better Together
Two Door Cinema Club- Something good can work

On Twitter, follow:
Positive Plant(@succulent)
Happy Hedgehog (@happilyhedgehog)
Happy Lil Light (@tiniestsunshine)

Shoutout to our friends who helped us make this list of feel good movies!
Forrest Gump
10 Things I Hate About You
The Incredibles
Despicable me
Home Alone
The Breakfast Club
Happy Feet
Pitch Perfect
Mamma Mia
Any Disney movie-I love them all! Especially the classics.
Hot Fuzz
Mrs Doubtfire
Little Miss Sunshine
All the Shrek movies!
Cool Runnings
The Bee Movie
Monsters Inc
Pretty Woman
Not even joking, that's the light switch in my room! Found this beaut in New Look :)

So there we have it folks. Make sure to drop a comment if ye enjoyed. Also if ye all could keep sharing, we have to keep the numbers up for the giveaway! Hope ye enjoyed something different. I know it's not possible to be Mrs positive about everything all the time just try your bestest :)
We shall see you again Saturday with another post from Sunflowers and Sparkles!

P.S. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle!

Edel and Tess x

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